Have you ever been in a yoga asana class where the teacher has given you a hands-on assist or adjustment? Many students think this means they are doing something wrong, but that is often not the case.
Assists deepen the physical experience
Physical assists can help students go deeper into a pose, or even just experience new and different sensations. This can help give students the confidence to progress their physical practice, by supporting them in new postures, or help to increase body awareness. One of my favourite assists is to press the shoulders in savasana. I don't think I have ever performed this, or had someone perform it on me, without the shoulders dropping into a deeper relaxation - this really highlights that we often hold tension without realising it and assists can help us recognise and release that.
Assists create connection
As human beings we crave connection, and physical contact can help us to bond. Part of offering assists is to build a relationship between the student and teacher. It helps to grow trust, and grow a bond. This is why it is so important that teachers are careful, intentional and respectful with their assists. The student should always feel comfortable with the assists being offered, and if not the teacher should respect that.
Assists refine the pose
Sometimes assists are given to adjust the physical position of the student and therefore refine the pose. This doesn't necessarily mean the student was wrong - the intention might be to help the pose fit the student, or increase body awareness in the pose.
So there you go. The next time a teacher assists you, know that there is much more to it than 'correcting' a pose, and enjoy it! Remember that physical assists should always be consensual, so let your teacher know if you are not comfortable being assisted.